Seed Starting Time!

Jannu the garden cat and my new seed starting trays

If you are like me this is an exciting time of the year. I can begin to start my seeds for spring and summer! Yahoo! In Southern California we can grow something all year long, but let’s face it, brassicas and root veggies get a bit boring after a few months. The end of January you can start your tomatoes under cover (ie home or greenhouse) and you can continue to plant brassicas and root vegetables. A short list of veggies that you can start indoors at this time is: broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbages, chamomile, cauliflower, cherivil, chives, cilantro, dill, fennel lettuces, spinach, tomatoes. Below is a list of indoor and outdoor fall and winter planting dates.

Seed tray with homemade markers

So what did I start? Well I just got a new handy dandy seed starting tray with 162 cells and I went to town! I planted three types of tomatoes- Marzano Roma, Tappy’s Heritage and Bonny Best. I chose these three because of their heat and disease resistance as well as productivity and flavor. Along with the tomatoes I planted Early White Vienna Kohlrabi, Pixie Baby Cabbage, Heirloom Dino Kale (Lacinato), Scarlet Kale, Dutch Beets-Red Baron, Parade salad scallions and mixed colors swiss chard. For the most part my seeds were from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds   and Renee’s Garden

I have tried many different ways of starting seeds, everything from Dixie cups to peat pellet starters. I changed to this method because is both economical, space saving and environmentally responsible. The first step is to fill the tray with potting soil, homemade compost or your favorite medium. Next you use two fingers and pack the soil down in each of the cells and fill the indentations. The reason that you do this is that it prevents air pockets and seeds prefer firm soil to sprout. Next I watered the soil so that is damp, not soggy. I made some home made markers out of an old bleach bottle and labeled each row so that I would remember what was planted. Some seedlings look very similar.

The next step is to plant the seeds according to their depth instructions on the package. I use a chopstick that is marked at quarter inch intervals to make a divot to put plant the seeds. Next firm the soil over the seed.

Seed starts in new tray under grow light.

As you can see I still have some seedlings growing in my old method using peat pods. This is a very space consuming and not environmentally sound way to start the seeds. I have a seed starting heat pad under the tray because our home does not stay consistently warm and I get a better result in both sprouting time as well as percentage that sprout using the heat. I got the seed propagation tray (another is on the way!) and the flexible growing tray to catch xtra water from GreenHouse MegaStore 

And FYI- I get no kickbacks from these companies, they are just what I use.

Change is coming…

Have you ever been to a point in your life where you know that change is coming but you have no idea how it’s going to happen?  Daniel and I are at that crossroad and it is exciting, scary and fun.  Our family has prayed about the direction that the Lord is leading us.  Daniel continues to pastor Verdugo Hills Baptist Church as well as developing a Real Estate photography business. I had to retire from nursing due to a back injury and have studied permaculture for a couple of years now.  We both have prayed about how God can use our gifts in a new work.  We have known for some time that God is leading us to move north (Northern California) to start the new work.  We are waiting for his leading and will be taking a permaculture certification course sometime this year.  The ministry that God is leading us to is that of restoration





Duck House and Run- How we built the Duck area


Hello Friends,

I haven’t had raised poultry for a long time, and we have never raised ducks.  I know, I know ducks eat a lot, eat a lot and poo a lot.  I have research raising ducks and have gleaned enough information to limit the mess.  We resourced free palate wood for the floor and the frame.  We have leftover galvanized roofing from the bathroom project.  We have decided to use OSB (Oriented Strand Board) for the walls, the floor and possibly the roof.  This is  (a less expensive choice because it is cheaper to buy the 13 dollar OSB board than it is to drive my truck around trying to find free pallets.  I enjoy building with crates because it prevents them from going to the dump and it is fun and challenging.  I will post our future projects as well.  Daniel is planning to build some lawn furniture with some exceptionally nice crates.  We found free straw bales on Craigslist not far from our home and picked up nine bales!  That will provide straw for the duck run for a while. We are using the deep bedding technique in the duck house as well as the run.  Deep bedding allows us to provide a clean and safe area for the ducks as well as creating fantastic mulch.

The Gift of Life


Nothing puts perspective into one’s self-awareness like life and death.  In a three-week span of time, my mother passed away and my third precious grand baby has been born.  Sophie Ann made her debut today at 8:47 pm.  My promise to her is that I will treasure her always and share with her all I know of the wonders of this world.  She will have my time and my attention and I will be present for her.  She will know she is loved not merely by toys or pretty outfits, but rather the time we spent having tea parties in the garden, climbing trees, making mud pies and chasing butterflies.  I will share with her the legacy my mother shared with me.

The Avarice…

The Grinch: That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? That’s what it’s always been *about*. Gifts, gifts… gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts! You wanna know what happens to your gifts? They all come to me. In your garbage. You see what I’m saying? In your *garbage*. I could hang myself with all the bad Christmas neckties I found at the dump. And the avarice…


The Grinch: The avarice never ends! “I want golf clubs. I want diamonds. I want a pony so I can ride it twice, get bored and sell it to make glue.”

   From How the Grinch Stole Christmas c 2000

I try to keep my post positive, and I started out today heading over to the local Goodwill donation center with my box of mins. game items when the sight that hit me.  The building was so stuffed with donations that they were spilling out onto the street.  The large truck that picks up the donations was packed full of the blue bins and the assistant said that it was the second pick-up of the day.  It literally looked like a trash dumpster, with garbage spilling out of it!  At first, my brain went to, “Oh, maybe Minimalism is really catching on!”, then I realized it was Monday and this was the post garage sale junk and spring cleaning frenzy.  A sad feeling fell over me.  I live in an affluent part of town where people substitute toys for time with their kids as they work ridiculous hours and there is always a huge line in the drive through of all the fast food establishments because they are too tired to fix dinner.  They have big toys, big mortgages, big divorces, and big debt.  They are a deeply unhappy people.  My hope is that Minimalism will continue to grow, and spread to communities like mine.  Money does not buy happiness, nor peace of mind.  Each day I feel lighter in my spirit as I declutter my life of everything that has held me down.  I am free to live the life that I was meant to live. 

For those of you who are not familiar with the Mins. Game it is where you get rid of one addition item each day (starting with one on the first day) for a 30 day period.  At the end of 30 days, you will have gotten rid of 465 items.  For the ease of keeping track, I started on the first of June.

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